I hope everyone had a wonderful week full of sunshine and happiness. It has been a busy month for me, lots going on at work and that is a good thing. But it means I've been slacking a little on posting here. So today is a catch up day. I have a few layouts to show you from a mix of different designers and challenges.
The first is one I did for a quote challenge at Polka Dot Plum. The quote is "This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life." I thought it was a beautiful quote and it is my wish for those rascally kids. This kit I used is called Everything by Three Hearts Designs.

The next layout I used the same kit and both layouts use a template pack by the same designer. On this one I used a picture of Cooper. I really loved the grey on grey papers in the kit and thought they would work well with his coloring. The layout was done for a font challenge at Polka Dot Plum. I loved the word art in the kit, so I decided to pull it in as my title.

Next up is a layout I did for a color challenge, I had to at least three colors out of the combination of yellow, pink, purple, green, and blue. I used a kit called Fresh Start by Plum Designs and a template by Berry Sweet. The picture is Zoe in a "sweet pea" costume. To say she was not thrilled is an understatement, but she did tolerate it for a few moments.

Now for one with Ms. Callie from Mother's Day. We were playing the game of "Things" which can be very very funny and she was laying on the floor. I flipped the picture because it fit how I wanted my layout to look. As always her smile lights up the room. The kit I used is called I Believe by Ana Nogueria.

Here is one of my favorite layouts I've done in a while. Mostly because of the subjects, Cole and Callie, but also because I love the kit. It is called Simply Romantic, which doesn't fit them at all, but the colors are so pretty. Sharla was trying to get some good pictures of them on Mother's Day, but they had real wiggle problems, then they started picking on each other. This layout has a couple of my favorite shots.

Next up is a recipe challenge (they tell you how many of each element to use and you put together a layout). I picked an older photo of Callie making a face...I know it is a shocker that she would make a face at the camera. I used a kit called Sweet Little Clare by Polka Dot Designs by Lauren and Amy. I love the colors in this kit and I love Miss Callie even more (funny faces and all).

Yes I have more...told you I've been busy and haven't gotten to posting everything, but I promise not too many more. Next up is Tucker using a kit by Polka Dot Pixels called So Petty. Of course I loved the word art as soon as I saw it and had to use my baby boy.

Ok next is a template challenge I did. The photo is Callie and I think Erica at DNOW and they are trying to pass a lifesaver from one to the other using only toothpicks. It was very funny to watch.

Ok my last for today, I still have lots more but even I am getting tired. This is for all of ya'll who where patient enough to go all the way through to the end of the post. I'm calling it 80's Hair and if you know Sharla or I you will laugh your butt off when you see this picture. Yes it is us, and I know our hair normally isn't this big, in fact I'm not sure it was ever this big before or that it has ever be that big since. My cousin Ira got a hold of us and she likes big hair....and this is the results. I used the Simply Romantic kit again, as well as a template from the weekly template challenge at PDP.

Be sure to come back next week, I have lots more to show you.