Ok, time to do another catch up posting with all the cool stuff I've gotten to use from Polka Dot Plum Designers. I was sad when they were down this week, because of their hosting company. But they are up and going again, and they are even having a sale this weekend, 30% off.
The first designer I worked with this month was Victoria Feemster, and let me tell you she has some pretty kits. I used her kit
Boyish Charm and it is perfect for those stinky...uhh sweet boy layouts. Of course I used my favorite boy, Cole. The photo was taken several years ago, but as per the norm, he was making a face. I did the layout for a template challenge and I love the papers in this kit with the simple layout.

My second designer was Donna Duncombe and I love the colors in her kit
Sunkissed and
Sunkissed Solids. I used this kit to create a layout in my
Lyric Challenge in the Polka Dot Plum forum. I love the little sun element and as I was playing with the layout the title popped into my head and as simple as that I had my example. Of course it is easy when you have great papers and elements to work with, not to mention a very cute subject (my one and only Tucker Joe).

My third designer is Pampered Princess and I just love her kit called
Cora. The colors and elements are really pretty. The layout I did is Callie and Tom on Mother's Day. I love alpha that came with the kit.

My fourth designer is Sir Scrapalot Designs (I still smile when I see that name). I used the kit to do one of the template challenges in the forum and I really like it. The photo is Mom, Callie and Cole on Mother's Day. Let me tell you those are some moving and jiggling kids, I swear half of the photos have one or the other blurry (hehehe). I love the papers in this kit, plus it has sticker flowers and fabric flowers, and I love the name...
Busting Out All Over
Now I have a few more to show you, I've done all of these as template challenges in the forum, the first week of May was all template challenges and they've extended it until next Wednesday because of the down time. This first on is Tucker again, and I used the kit called Doodles and Poodles by Allison Pennington.

The next one I used the kit
Cora again, and it is Tina at the carnival. She was going to ride the carousel for us, but they said she was too tall. This is before hand, she was laughing at Sharla and I as we took her picture.

Next is Princess Zoey. I swear every day she gets more and more spoiled...not by me of course, Mom and Sharla do it, never me (ok maybe me too). I used a kit by Allison Pennington called Kiss Kiss...I won a bingo game on iNSD and got a wonderful gift certificate to her store, so you'll be see lots of her stuff in the future.

An my last one for today is Callie and I think it is Erica, but they were playing a game at DNOW and had to pass a gummy life saver from one to the other, using only toothpicks and no hands. I have to say it was very entertaining to watch. I use
Busting Out All Over for this layout.

Don't forget the store is having a sale this weekend, so head over to
Polka Dot Plum and get some goodies.