I counted and I have 29 layouts that I've completed and haven't shown you yet. So I'm going to do another big post day to get some of them out of my to blog pile. Don't worry, I'm not going to do all 29, some are ones I've done for kits that have not been released yet, so I can't show them yet. And also I don't want to make the post too long. Today is going to be another Polka Dot Plum Day, with layouts I've created for designers at PDP or for challenges in the forum there. If you've not checked out the challenges you really should they are lots of fun and you can win gift cards and earn discounts.
My first layout is Angela and the newest addition to her family Molly. For some reason Tina (Angela's mom) calls that sweet little baby dog a monster, but when she brought her to see me, Molly was a perfect angel. She gave me puppy kisses and even fell asleep laying on my desk. I didn't see any monster tendencies at all. But of course get a girl and a puppy together and you definitely have trouble...which leads to the layout I made using Utski's kit
Love the Piglet.

The next layout is one I did for the recipe challenge last week. I used the kit
Sweet Summertime by Polka Dot Plum Designs. The photo is Callie, Cole and Mecca taken on Mother's Day this year. I'm not sure Mecca was ready to be the short one in the family (I think it has been a long time since that was the case for her).

I did a template challenge last week at PDP as well (in fact I think I did 5 or 6 challenges...I was on a roll). The template was really fun, and I used a kit called Anna Mae's Closet by Scraps by Ellay. I love the purple in that kit and just wanted to play with it over and over. The photo is Callie and friends at a birthday party (Callie is in green) and she made her mask, such a talented girl.

Now for my layout for the font challenge...the font is Sketch Block and is a great font, because is can be used for so many things. The kit is
Love the Piglet by Utski Designs. The photo is Cole and Danni when they were over for dinner a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure he is going to hate that I posted this, but I think they are just too cute.

The color challenge from last week had a great mix of blue, green, orange and cream and I found the perfect kit to use call I Wuff You by Connie Prince and Bella Gypsy. The subjects are Tucker and Cooper just before they got a treat of ice cream. They were quite excited because they love ice cream.

The hardest challenge I've done in a while was the paper to digital challenge last week. I tried three times before I got a layout I liked. The paper layout had lots of roughed up paper and I just could duplicate that in digital. I also really struggled with the dimensions. I used a kit called
Ambience by Digi Designs by Nicole because it had some worn papers in it that worked well. Cooper was willing to pose, as long has he got his snuggle time as well.

Next I did the lyric challenge and I used a photo of Cole in the pool from several years ago. The song had a line about big pool partys and it just reminded me of the times we got to use my old bosses pool while he was on vacation. The I used is
Nolan by Sweet Tomato Designs. I love the blues in this kit they work for so many different things.

The all about me challenge this week was to scrap your house (current or past), so I dug out some of the photos we took when the house was being built. We visited every day, and took tons of photos. I wanted to show just a few of the changes we saw during the process. The kit I used is Housewarming by Bella Gypsy.

Ok we're getting close to the end for today. This layout was for the font challenge I did this week. The font is Pea Lauren America and is a great hand writing font. I used photos we took the day we brought Tucker and Cooper home. They were camera shy, so it was hard to get good photos, but these aren't too bad. This kit used is
Nolan by Sweet Tomato Designs.

The last layout for today (and I reduced my to blog list by 1/3) is one of the easiest layouts I have ever done and you'd never tell by looking at it. I used a bundled kit called
Swirly Bundle by NBK Designs. The kit comes with paper and elements like all other kits, but also includes glitters, word packs and something called "toppers". The toppers are FANTASTIC!!!! The clusters that look like they took me hours to create are just one of the toppers. Yep all I had to do was size them the way I want, place them and add the photos. It was even easier than templates and more fun than a quick page (because I controlled where they went). The photos are Trey, Callie and Cole, doing that they do so well...mugging for the camera.

I hope you've enjoyed my walk through the challenges of Polka Dot Plum and I hope you visit the
forum soon and join in on the challenges you find there. Also check out the links to the kits I've given you, they are all great kits and you'll have fun using them I'm sure.