I hope everyone is having a beautiful and productive Saturday...me so far I've worked on cleaning my desk...yes I know that is a never ending battle for me. I've boxed up a group of iPaqs to take to try and be repaired. I've taken some pictures of the wonderful spring irises and I've had a FRAPPUCINO....life is good. Well today I'm going to show you some more layouts I've done for one thing or another and then let you know some of the things happening at Stuff to Scrap.
My first layout I did for a speed scrap and it features Mr. Cole with his first truck. Yes you read that correctly, he has a truck, it so hard to believe. He is quite proud of it, and it is a sharp truck, a 1995 Silverado. He was even willing to pose next to it.

Next up are a couple of layouts I did for Modern June Creations, but I can't find where I blogged about them anywhere, so now must be their time. First up is Callie and Honey. I used one of her templates for the template challenge at Digi Scrapbook Mania, her October Haze kit and Seeing Spots Alpha. I love these photos of Callie and Honey, you can see how well they are bonding.

Next is Sharla and the babies in the snow. The babies were refusing to go out in to it, so Sharla walked out into the yard, and the would run to her and then turn and high tail it back to the porch. I'm using another of her templates, the kit Sugar Plums and Seeing Spots again.

Next up is a layout I did for Scrapbooks Gone Digital. The name of the kit is Girly Monkey and who else could I think about but Miss Sharla. The kit was mainly browns and pinks with touches of green and turquoise. So I pulled an older picture of Sharla...ok a really old picture of her. She was Daddy's Monkey all of her life, so I knew I was going to have to use that word art, although I did modify it just a little, it said "My 3 Little Monkeys", but not when I was done.

Then I decided to do an older picture of Callie with the same kit. Her glasses were more red, but I tinted them a little to fit the kit. She has had a thing about sunglasses forever.

My last layout I used pieces from all the different Build a Kits for April from Stuff to Scrap. They all have the same color palette, but several different themes, so it was a challenge to get something from each of them, but I think I did it. The picture is of Tucker from last year in the blue bonnets, hopefully we'll have some new ones soon...I saw some blue bonnets this morning...yeah spring.

That is it for layouts, but let me tell you about some of the stuff going on at Stuff to Scrap. There is a sale this weekend, 30% off, they are also giving away a collection of brag book quick pages if you spend $10 in the store and last but not least they are having a hybrid CT call. I'm putting up fliers below, so you can get all the details, and they are linked to the store. I hope ya'll have a wonderful Easter...I'm up early for the 8:30 service. Later....