I also noticed last night that I have several layouts I've done for different things that I've not had a chance to blog about, so today is the day. And first up is one of my favorite layouts I've done in a long time. I did it for a song lyric challenge at Polka Dot Plum and the Song was American Honey by Lady Antebellum. I had not heard the song, but found it on line and loved it. The lyrics are great. I used a kit called Chocolate Truffle by Polka Dot Pixels and it fit the challenge perfectly. An my choice of photos just had to be Miss Callie.

My next layout uses the same kit, and was for an "All About Me" challenge. This layout is a rare find on my blog because is includes something I don't normally use on my layouts and that is a photo of me. I'm trying to get better and at least occasionally scrap a photo of me or as in this case half a photo of me (hehehe), since most of what you see is Tucker.

Now for a layout I did using a kit by Polka Dot Plum Designs called "My Little Claire". I love the colors of this kit, and the element are great as well (lots of flowers). I actually did two layouts with it. The first is Angela, and the photo is of her on a Saturday before her Upwards Cheering, taken about 3 years ago.

My second layout with the kit is Callie and Sharla after church one Sunday about 6 months ago. Sharla is more willing to pose (not much more, but more) when she can pose with Callie or Cole. I did this for a template challenge, and really like how it looks.

My last layout for today, just because I'm tired of typing, not because I don't have any more to show you is one I did with Sir Scrapalot Designs kit called Spring Symphony. The photos are from our recent snow day ok snow morning on March 20th. Can you believe how much snow we've had this year in Texas. I know all ya'll yankees are saying we're wimps, but I'm just not used to this much snow. It is pretty, but I like my mild winters. I love the snow against these pink flowers. This was also for a template challenge at Polka Dot Plum.

I'll be back tomorrow with more.