Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Happy Tuesday all. I was very excited this weekend when Valerie of ValerieN Designs contacted me about being on her CT. She had reached out last month, but the email must have gotten lost somewhere amongst the vast world wide web. Lucky for me she reached out a second time....yeah me. The first kit I get to show you from her is called Whatev! Mini and is just too cute. I love the colors!!!

I did one layout with it and I used a photo I took of Sharla at Christmas. She was wearing a bright red shirt and that didn't go with the colors so I changed the photo to b/w and I think it looks really good with the colors. I love a kit with lots of flowers and although this is a mini kit, it has 3 in it.

You really should pick up Whatev! Mini today because it is on sale for $1, but that price is only good for a very short time.

And for those family and friends, here are a few more layouts. This one I did for a Super Speed Scrap (everything was sped up). It was fun, but a lot of pressure. I picked photos of Tucker, because it is easy to scrap pages of him (OK, I'm a little partial).

Next is Week 6 of my P52 project. The assignment this week was to photo and scrap about something unusual. Well it just happens that we got nine inches of snow, and there is nothing more unusual than snow in Texas. The photos are Sharla walking out into the back yard, as you can see the snow is quite high on her boots. We were trying to get the dogs out into the snow to take pictures. They would run to her and then turn and run back, it was much too deep for them. The tree is outside of my office, it just looked so pretty that morning.

Now for Week 7 of the project. The assignment was "what's in your wallet", and they expanded that to purse/bag etc. Well I only took a photo of the main things I carry everyday. Most of the time I carry two bags, but these are the things that go with me all of the time.

My last layout today, is not really a layout it is my March Desktop.

That is it for now, I'll be back later this week with more.

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