Ok, it has come to my attention that my link to the quick page earlier this week wasn't working. I've fixed it in the previous post, but will also list it again here today. But before that, it is time to show you some layouts I've been doing not CT related.
First some of my P52 layouts, I think I've shown ya'll weeks 1, 2 and 3, so now on to week 4. The challenge in week four was to do a layout with lots of journalling. I hate to journal, I can spend hours writing and re-writing and still not be happy with the results. But I'm trying to keep up to date with the challenges, so I took some photos of my favorite subject, Tucker, and created the layout below. I love the tag that said "Caution Dog can't hold his licker" because that is my Tucker Joe.

I've done week 5, but don't have it on my disk, so it will have to be shown later. My next layout I did for a speed scrap. It is of Cooper, and he is holding a purple bear in his mouth. There are only two toys of that Zoey doesn't get to play with and that is Coopers green bear and purple bear, he gets nutty if she has those. Well the purple bear is supposed to be Tuckers, but he never plays with it. Cooper loves to carry these bears around, even though it is hard for him to breath when he is holding them.

My next layout is another speed scrap using Cooper. I love the b/w photos against the colors in this kit, and the word art is just too cute. If you ever need cute word art, check out Everyday Word Art by Bethany.

So not to leave out Zoey, here is a layout I did with her. I did it for Stuff to Scraps use it or lose it challenge last month. The kit was a cute snowman/snowflake kit, but I really didn't want to do a snow layout so I got creative. The buttons at the top were cute out of the snowman (he was wearing a vest), the No in the title came from the word art Snow. And I cut the flowers out of the papers, strategically cutting to miss things I didn't want. My layout was definitely different than the rest, but I think it turned out cute.

Next is another speed scrap, this time I used photos of Sharla swinging. Yea we were at the park with Tina and Angela and she just had to swing a while. I'm sure she wasn't thrilled that I was taking photos, but hey that's what I do. I love the colors in this kit, and I thought the b/w photos worked with them really well.

Next is my February Desktop. I love kept it pretty simple because the colors were bright. The theme was of course "Love". I used my baby loves. I love the word art that came with this kit.

Ok my last layout is one I did for a quote challenge at Stuff to Scrap. The quote was "Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh the things you can think up if only you try". I struggled with this for a while, trying to decide what to scrap with that quote when I came across a series of pictures taken several years ago. Daddy was in the hospital and boredom set in for us. We started drawing on the dry erase board in his room. It became the challenge to each of us to add something that would make everyone laugh. The artist included Sharla, Callie, Cole, Tom (I think) and myself. It did help pass the time.

Ok now for the freebie, with the preview linked correctly. It was created with Scraps by Andrea's new collab called Meant To Be.

I'll be back soon with more.