My first layout is called Pumpkin Patch, but the photos were actually taken outside of my local grocery store. I also used one of Kathy's templates from her White Space Edition – Template Pack. I love white space layouts and the templates in the set are really great.

My next layout is Callie and Sharla at church a couple of weeks ago. Callie was telling us all about the house she is buying and of course my camera popped out of my purse and just started snapping. Ok so maybe I was in control of it, but my family is used to it by now.

Next is a layout of the babies after they were groomed. Boy did they need it, they were stinky and shaggy, but they look so good all clean. Hopefully we'll be back on a regular schedule for their grooming going forward...I like them much better clean.

Next I'm going to move to the kit October Haze, a kit full of autumn colors, with elegant patterns and great elements. This first layout also uses Kathy's White Space Edition – Template Pack and features Tom, Mecca, Callie and Cole. The photo was taken the first year they had Thanksgiving in their new house. I thought it would be fun to use the photo where the kids are making faces with the elegant papers.

My next layout is Callie with straight hair. I know she used to love having her hair straighten when we went for a hair cut, but to me she always looked better with curly hair. Not that she isn't beautiful with straight hair, but curly just suits her so much more.

Ok because I'm running out of time, I'm only going to show you one layout with Kathy's date kits. It is using her kit Third Date and also her kit Day Dreamer. The photo is my precious Tucker Joe. It is another one of the photos taken after he was groomed. He was being a good dog and actually letting us get some photos of his face, not just his back.

Modern June Creations has great kits and they are available at Digi Scrapbook Mania. I'll be back soon with more layouts.