I have so many layouts to show ya'll I don't even know where to begin. It seems like forever since I've had a big blog post, but that changes right now. I'm going to cram as many as possible into this post...ok, I promise not to do more than 15, but I've got to get some out of my to post folder!!!! I think I'll show you challenges I've doing at Polka Dot Plum, since I am the Challenge Wrangler there, I do lots and lots of challenges.
The first up is one I did for an All About Me challenge, where I had to scrap something I use every day. I of course did my favorite new toy my Ipad and the cool little stylus I got for it. The kit I used is called Go for the Goals by Dawn by Design.

My next layout is one I did for a photo challenge. The challenge was to get a close up of some one's face. Well with the weather, I wasn't around too many people and Sharla refused to pose for me, so I used Tucker have he had been out eating the snow. The kit I used is called Softly Winter by Designs by Sweet Mesquite.

Now for a layout I did for a scraplift challenge. The photo is Zoey just sitting on my bed. She isn't fond of the camera, but every now and then she'll let me take her picture without a fuss. this kit I used is A Fresh Start by Sugar Pie Scraps.

Ok I have to show a layout with Cooper just to finish off the trio. This one was done for a twisty lift, you scraplift a page but change it in some manner. Doesn't Cooper look cute!!!! The kit used is Memory Lane by Jen C Designs.

Ok how about a layout with people in it? Hummmm Sharla is so fond of these pictures I took of her in the hospital. I did this layout for a one word challenge where I had to use the word "Time" on a layout. And for those who know Sharla she is doing much better, we are working on getting healthier, and she has come a long way since her second stay in the hospital. I used Sugar Pie Scraps kit A Fresh Start again for this layout.

I've gotten lots of comments in the gallery from other Angry Bird players when I posted this layout. The kit I used is Jangle by Sweet Tomato Designs. The photos where taken on Christmas morning when Tom, Cole and Callie were having Angry Bird races to see who could get through the levels the fasted. It was so much fun to watch because they did not take failure well.

This layout wasn't done for a challenge, it was done for a new designer at Polka Dot Plum called Farynar's Wings. She does wonderful kits and this one is called Mysterious. The photo is Cole and Dani on Christmas Day. Don't they make a cute couple!!!!

Now for another cute couple, Tom and Mecca. The photo is one of the series Sharla took at Thanksgiving in 2009 at Callie's house. It is one of my most favorite set of photos. I use them a lot because they look so good. I did this one for a newsletter challenge and the kit is Bee Mine by Bean Bunny Designs.

Here is one of Callie taken at Thanksgiving this year. She was laying on the floor posing and I just couldn't resist snapping a photo or two. I did this one for Dawn by Design for her to use as a sample in her shop. The kit is called Go for the Goals and I do love the colors in it.

And last for today, because 10 is a lot of layouts, I promise to try and come back tomorrow and Tuesdays and have big post days as well. This last layout is another one I did for Farynar's Wings for her to use as a sample. The kit is Mystic Mountain and the photo is Callie and Mom at Thanksgiving.

Hopefully I'll get several big posts done this week!!!!