Ok this is going to be another huge post, because I'm creating layouts much faster than I am posting here, so they are getting backed up something fierce. Today the layouts are going to be from various places, but most will be challenges I've done.
I'm going to start off with one that has been in my backlog forever, I did it as a speed scrap over at GingerScraps and never showed it to you. I think because the subject is giraffes and not someone I know. I got the photos when Sharla, Cole and I went up to Arbuckle Wilderness one year on Christmas break.

Yeah my oldest non published layout is off of my to show list. Next up is a layout I did with Modern June's portion of the August Build a Kit at Digital Scrapbook Mania. I love the colors in the kit. The photo is Zoey giving Sharla kisses.

Next up is one I did for Stuff to Scrap's Word of the Week Challenge. The work was lazy and I knew right away what photo I wanted to use, Sharla and Cooper "napping". This is Let's Get Together by Scrap N Pieces, and I love this kit.

I'm on a roll with my older layouts, so here is another one I did for a speed scrap at DSM. It features Tucker Joe watching while I get ready for work. He much prefers the days when I stay home, because he likes to have someone to lay down with him. This I used is called Dusty Rose by Modern June.

Now for a layout I did for a font challenge at Polka Dot Plum. The kit is Monkeying Around by Victoria Feemster and as soon as I saw it, I knew I would use a photo of Sharla. Daddy called her Monkey, all of her life, even when she was grown, so of course I had to use her.

I did the next layout for the Use it or Lose it challenge at Stuff to Scrap. They give you a mini kit and you have to use all of it on your layout. Sometimes this is easy and sometimes it is not. I like this one because there were not too many papers and elements.

Modern June's contribution to the September Build a Kit at DSM was beautiful and I really enjoyed using it for this layout. The photo is Callie opening her birthday present several years ago, it was just what she wanted...you can tell by the look on her face.

This layout I'm sure looks a little odd, but the challenge was to photograph a body part (no face or head shots allowed). So I did Zoey's big feet. Bless her princess heart she had whopper feet!!!. The I used is Lil Fella by Graham Like the Cracker and Wyld Web Designs.

Next up is a layout I did for a color challenge. It was birthday month at PDP and all the challenges were focusing on birthdays and so I did one of Cole after we silly stringed him. This was when he was in the 6th grade, after his school concert. We had him believing we were not going to be able to get him because there was too much going on...fooled him!!!

Another birthday challenge was the one word challenge and you had to use the word "celebrate" in your title or journaling. So again I pick Cole and silly string, but this one was from this year. It is getting harder and harder to surprise the boy (ok he's 17 but still a boy to me). But I think we got him this year. Hid our car in his garage and then we hid in his dad's shop. Both of these layouts were made with Kalo's Designs kit called Celebrate.

I rarely do two page layouts, not really sure why. I didn't really do them when I paper scrapped, so I don't do them when I digi scrap. But there was a template challenge at PDP that was a two pager. I used a kit by Sir Scrapsalot called Spring Symphony and the photos were taken at a local iris garden. I love irises and this place has some really beautiful ones.

Now for a layout I did with Secret Stash's Happy in my Heart kit. The photos are Cooper a couple of days before he was to be groomed. He was definitely a fuzzy face. It didn't help that he had been rolling in the grass, so his hair was sticking out on end. This was a template challenge and I really like how it looks.

I know many of you think the greatest contribution to the world in 1960 was me...yeah I know I'm old. The all about me challenge had us pull things that happened the year we were born. I think my favorite things were Green Eggs and Ham was written and the Etch-a-Sketch was invented...yeah I'm not an overly political person. But it was fun looking up different facts.

Ok the last one for this post is a layout I almost didn't do. I was to post on Scrappin' Daisies blog on a Monday, which is free day and I couldn't figure out what to post. I was going through the challenges at Brownie Scraps and found the indulgence challenge. I loved the mini kit they gave us to use. And in a very short time I had this layout of Tucker.

That is it for now but I have designers releasing kits almost everyday this week, so there will definitely be more to see (plus a freebie on Friday). See ya'll soon.