My first layout is of Mom. The photo was from 2005 and she was not happy about posing for the photo because her scar was still very visible, but we insisted. I love the Happy Birthday banner and just had to use it.

My second layout shows the versatility of the kit. I didn't do a birthday a layout, instead I did a layout of Zoey. We were sitting outside enjoying the mild fall weather and Zoey jumped up in Sharla's lap and I snapped a few photos. I know I cut Sharla out of this one, but she preferred that because she wasn't photo ready. I love the pink, purple and green color combination of this kit, it is one of my favorites.

I love the second layout so much that I decided to make a quick page for you using it. I hope you like it and feel free to leave a comment, I love hearing from other scrappers. The image is linked, so simply click on it to download.

Make sure you stop by Stuff to Scrap and pick up Birthday Girl because it is on sale for 32% off this week. Also her entire store is on sale as is her birthday week!!!
Gorgeous QP, thank you for sharing! :)