The first layout is Sharla and Callie and the kit used is Cloud Dancing by NBK Designs. I was asked to do a couple of pages with this kit when she first started at PDP, it is a cool kit, but I don't have many dancing pictures, so I had to adapt.

Next is the same kit, Cloud Dancing, but this time I do have a dancing photo. I found it on my hard drive and it Angela at a dance program. I think Tina had me copy them for her and it was still on my drive, so I used it. I did a little recoloring, but I think it turned out great.

Next up is a layout made with a kit called My Messy Boy and a template pack called My All Clustered Up both by Sweet Berry Designs. The photo is Cooper after he lost a battle with the sprinkler system. Just this past week, Tucker woke me up to go potty and Cooper decided to go too. The sprinkler were on in the back yard and he darted out and tried to bite it, and then immediately ran back inside. I think he has learned he won't win that battle.

Now for a layout that I really love. I got this beautiful kit by Kreations by Kami called Nature’s Canvas that is really pretty, but not in a girly way. I was doing a template challenge and thought it would be great for it, but I needed a one word title. I played with several different words and picture combinations before I settled on Perspective and photos from the Grand Canyon.

I also used the same kit to create a layout for a font challenge. I love fonts, they can really change the feel of a layout. On this one of Tucker and Cooper the font is called Font Moocher, well the tiptoe and bluebonnets part is.

Moving on to a kit by Polka Dot Plum Designs (Lauren and Amy) called Sweet Summertime. This is a great kit, I love the colors and find myself wanting to use it over and over. The first layout I did with it is Sharla and Cooper in the backyard. She was posing for some 4th of July pictures and he came over and kissed her.

My second layout using Sweet Summertime was for a template challenge. It was a great white space template, so I created a layout with Miss Callie in it. I love the sunburst paper and I think it worked well in this layout.

My last layout (for now) with Sweet Summertime is Mecca and Pam (Mecca's sister). It was taken when Pam came recently for a visit. I did this layout for a Font Challenge using the font Accidental Kiss.

Another kit that I've gotten to use by Polka Dot Plum Designs is called Rocky Top Sweetheart and it is a great kit too. I really love the "country" feel to this kit. My first layout is of Angela at the park and I love how her hair is glowing in the sun. You might think she is an angel, well until you got to know her. She is a great kid, but no angel (hehehe).

My next layout using Rocky Top Sweetheart is probably familiar to those that follow my blog. It is from an All About Me challenge where you had to tell what you are. I recently did a similar thing for a contest at STS, so I just modified that layout somewhat for this challenge. I think I like how this one came out better than the first one. But don't get used to layouts with me on them, I don't like doing those.

My next layout is Tom, Mecca, Callie and Cole and I used a kit by Sir Scrapalot called It’s Not Easy…. It is a great kit I love the bingo card in the kit and I just had to have a little fun with my bingo markers.

Am I starting to wear you out???? Well we're almost done. My next one is using a kit called Audrey by Pixel Perfect Designs. Of course since it was inspired by Audrey Hepburn, I had to use Callie in the layout. I found a picture of her and Dolly that we took when Ira came to town with Dolly several years ago. I love the yellows and blacks in the kit and I thought they worked well with the photo.

Sharla is not fond of me taking her picture, but she is a good sport and will let me take one now and then. We were playing around one day, and I took a picture of her taking a picture of me. I immediately thought of that picture when I got a chance to work the kit called Focus a collaboration by Sweet Tomato Designs, Pagefrocks, and Heather Hess. It is a kit that "focuses" on photography.

And drum roll please my last one for today, and yes if you were counting that is a whopping 14 layouts in this post. When I opened this kit, I was in love. I did the this layout in about 30 minutes, and it only took that long because Sharla was talking to me. It is called Daddy's Girls and I did it for a font challenge. The font is Reservoir Grunge and the kit is called Fern by Polka Dot Pixels. I love the colors of this kit, it just reminds me of summertime. I picked a photo taken a long time ago of Sharla, Daddy and I sitting on the couch. Wait do you realize that I've done three layouts in the post alone with photos of me...what am I thinking???

Ok that is it for today, be sure to stop by again soon, because I'm sure I'll have more to show you.