Today I'm going to tell you about 3 great kits that have just been released. The first is called Indy by Digi Designs by Nicole. I have to admit when I first saw this kit, I loved the colors and elements, but thought I don't have any pictures that would fit it. But then the ideas started popping into my head. I made two pages very quickly and have a couple more in mind that I'll be doing later. I really love the book elements, which is what inspired my first layout. I saw them and was trying to think how to use them, I knew I had some pictures of Callie reading, so I thought I would use them, but wanted a cute title or quote. When searching book quotes I found one by Groucho Marx "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend, inside of a dog, it is too dark to read." I laughed and just knew I had to use it. So I used a picture of my four legged best friend, Tucker.

Then, I found pictures of Cole when we got him a metal detector for his birthday. He was on a hunt, but I'm not sure he ever found anything of value, but if he had a good time that was all that mattered to us and him.

Nicole has a quick page freebie on her blog, so head over there to pick it up soon.
The next kit I'm going to show you is called Victorian Elegance by Scrapping Rainbow Designs. She was one of the designers I was partnered with this month at Stuff to Scrap. I love this kit, it is full of vintage elements that make me want to pull out all the old photo albums and scan photos just so I can use them. Luckily I had some already scanned to use. The first one is a baby picture of Sharla. A "colorized" version of this photo hung for years at my parents house, and it is still on of my favorite pictures of her, she still has that same smile today, just now she has teeth.

The next one is my grandmother. I'm not exactly sure when this photo was taken of her, but I think she looks beautiful in it. And I snuck a photo of my grandfather into the locket. They weren't taken at the same time, but it works.

You can pick up the kit at Stuff to Scrap.
The last, but not least kit is from ModernJune Creations and is called Rock Out Witcha Potty Out - Girls. I love the kit, but just don't have lots of potty training photos. But I did find a "nekkid" baby picture of me and created a cute layout with it. The colors in the kit are wonderful, and Kathy does such a great job, I just had to use the kit for something.

That is it for today. I still have lots of layouts to show ya'll, but I had something every day I was off, so I didn't get much blogging done. Maybe by this weekend I can work in some time. Plus I found some great deals on kits during black Friday, so I have lots of new stuff to play to play some more....later.