Now for layouts. The first layout is of Mecca from Christmas several years ago. Yes it is the same ball that Cole climbed into for the layout a few days ago. She always complains she takes bad pictures, but I think this one turned out quite well. ( ya Mecca)

The next one is a little odd. It was a speed scrap and they had you take a picture of your purse and all of it's contents. I know I carry a lot of junk, but laying it all out to take the picture makes me really realize it. It was a fun scrap and so just to show something different I included it here.

The third layout is photos of Callie's room at the old house. I had been thinking for quite a while on scrapping the photos and had even worked up the word art myself. It's not exactly what I wanted, but close. I may modify it at some time in the future.

The next layout is of Sharla, Donalee and Me. If you know me you'll know that I have one sister, but in the layout it looks like I have two. Well Donalee went to the same church as us and people kept confusing her and Sharla. Sharla and I were having our photos take for a church directory and Donalee was there getting her pictures done with her kids. We asked the photographer if they would do one with the three of us. It does look like she and Sharla could be sisters.

The last one for today is of Callie singing in the shower. No not a real shower, well the shower is real, but it is not complete. The photo was taken when we were having the house built. We visited just about every day to see the progress. She was with us and was really cutting up that day.

That is all for now, later....