The Sew, Mama, Sew blog is wanting to know about my stash, so I thought it would be fun to answer their questions.
What do you usually sew? - quilts, harnesses for my dogs, coasters, bags.
When you shop for fabric, what size cuts do you usually buy? (i.e. If you see something beautiful, but you don’t have a use for it right away, how much do you buy?) - If I'm shopping for quilts, I try to buy at least 2-3 yards, for dog stuff normally 1 yard, but I also love fat quarters. If is something I really love, but don't have a project in mind for it, about 2 yards.
Do you buy on impulse or do you go out looking for something you need? - Both, I normally go looking for something specific, but always come home with extra.
Are you a pre-washer? If you are, do you wash your fabric before you need it, or only when you’re ready to use it? - For my quilts I always pre-wash, and normally as I am going to use it. I rarely pre-wash other stuff.
Do you iron it? - Iron and starch it. Makes working with it so much easier, especially when using my rotary cutter.
How do you sort it? (color, print size, collection, etc.) - Sort...hmmm what is that. Currently if I have purchased fabrics for a specific project I try to keep them together in a tub, and the rest are just mixed in other tubs.
Do you have any special folding techniques? - No, it might be nice if I did.
How do you store your fabric? - Tubs in a closet or tubs in the living room. I need a better system, but I'm really only a beginner, so right now I think I have 4 or 5 tubs. I'm sure at the rate I'm going I'll have a room full soon.
What tips do you have for building up a well-rounded stash? - Since I'm new, I currently just look for things I like, but I've found I often wish I had this or that so I look for those things the next time I'm out shopping. I don't think my stash is really well rounded yet, but it's getting there.
When do you say enough is enough? - When do I say it....all the time, when do I enforce it, so far never. I love fabric and I always seem to find one or two fat quarters I can't resist.
What are some of your favorite stash-busting projects? - I love Sew, Mama, Sew's fat quarter month, I've already found several projects there. I find small projects, that I can finish quickly work better to destash, because I don't get bored with them and I can make multiples and give away to family and friends.
Do you have a current favorite print in your stash? Let’s see it! - My taste is varied, but I two pieces I love. The first is a fat quarter I got in a swap that I just can't make myself use, because I love it. The other I bought for a quilt that I haven't started yet.

What’s your definition of the perfect stash? (Consider sharing a picture or two of your stash & storage, or direct us to a pic on Flickr!) - The perfect stash would be all the fabrics in my local quilt store called "Quilt Country", but that would be a little extreme. My goal is the have several cabinets in my spare bedroom that I can sort fabric by color, size and project, but still be able to close the doors on them so when guest do come they aren't freaked out by all the fabric.