Hello everyone, today I'm participating in the New Quilt Blogger Blog Hop. Now that was a real mouth full. The wonderful Beth of
Plum and June has organized this Hop and boy has she done a great job, so my first I want to say thank you to her. She also created a google group for all of us in the hop and I have to admit that is been great too. I've learned a lot from the group.
But now let's talk about me. If you're new to my blog, my name is Shauna....hard to guess, right? When I started blogging I couldn't think of anything really creative, so Shauna's World it was. I'm a native Texan and oooh so proud of it. I work as tech support for a small company, single, and love to read, scrapbook and quilt. My sister and I live together along with my nephew and three dogs. We are a bit of a motley crew, but it works for us.
My quilting journey started long ago. My sister-in-law and I took a class, but it was about hand quilting and I didn't care for it. I tried again in 2007 and loved making tops but not quilting on my domestic machine. In 2012 my sister and I decided to take some classes, including one on long-arm quilting and I was hooked. We saved and bought a Handiquilter Avante at the end of last year.
Now this baby changed our quilting...we actually finish quilts now. Since the beginning of the year I have completed 22 quilts. I try to do about one a week, but I'm fast running out of tops. A good problem to have. I started blogging about the process at the first of the year. One so my friends and family to follow what I'm doing, but also to share my experiences with others. I've learned a lot, and am learning more each day. The quilt in the picture above is teaching me
lots...beginning with patience, but that is for another day.
I don't know that I have a real quilt style, I tend to make quilts that I like. My favorites are below. The top left is my "Bricks" quilt, and I love it because it my little Tucker Joe loves it. Ok he loves any and all quilts, but he can be found on this one in my living room it if is anywhere he can get to it. The top right is Every Which Way and was a quilted I tested. I love this quilt because it really pushed me, a lot of HST and I learned so much from it. Bottom left is a Turning Twenty quilt that I was about 1/3 to 1/2 way quilted when I found a bunch on the back, and I had to pull all the quilting out and re-quilt. I learned a lot on that one too, and in the process loved, hated, and then loved the quilt again. The bottom right is my last finish, and I love it because the fabric is from 2007, and I can mark it off my list. I think that is the oldest one I've done so far.

I learn something with every quilt I make and I share what I learn with anyone who reads my blog. I just finished a quilt top that is a test for a designer, and I learned that if I slow down things will really come together. I find I often rush and that creates it's own issues. Now my favorite quilt to date is one that I gave away. My sister pieced it and I quilted it, and my friend who received it totally loved it. I was very nervous about giving it as a gift because I worry about my work being good enough, but it was very loved.

Currently I'm working on a couple of things. The first photo is of my Avante today. But I will be pulling that quilt off and removing the quilting that has been done. Long story, but the short version is bad thread. I am also doing a test quilt call Watkins Star that the top is done and I hope to get quilted next week. But I can't show it until it is done. I also am starting another test quilt this week. But my favorite project right now is the #TexasRoadTripQAL. I'm about half way done with it, so a little behind, but am hoping to get caught up before the end of the month. I think I love it because of the fabrics, they are Alison Glass' Sun Prints.

I am not the most proficient quilter or blogger, but I do try. :) I tend to write like I'm talking to you, and every now and then even a ya'll will slip through. If you like what you see, feel free to follow me in whatever manner you like. I have buttons for Bloglovin'/Feedly and a spot to Follow by Email. Those are mainly thanks to the blogger group, they have really helped me fine tune things.
We were told a fun way to finish the post would be to tell you some random facts about me
- Dream Vacation Spot.....Australia, maybe someday
- Favorite Movie...Pillow Talk...an old Doris Day/Rock Hudson movie, love the oldies
- Favorite TV Show...NCIS and Big Bang Theory
- Favorite Author....Janet Evanovich (love the Stephanie Plum books)
- Favorite Thing to Collect....FABRIC :)
And then we are to give you a blogging tip and a quilting tip. Ok for blogging, I say pictures, pictures and more pictures. I love seeing what others are doing. I'm trying very hard to make my pictures better, and can see improvement. And for quilting my biggest piece of advice is don't sew tired. In the Every Which Way quilt I but together practice blocks wrong three times because I was tired. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I learned it.
Now a question for you...What is your favorite quilting tool? I am always looking for things to make it easier/faster, and wonder what I might be missing. I hope you have enjoyed your visit here, and you should definitely check out the others on the blog hop. Here are the links
Sarah @
Berry Barn Designs
Liz @
Green Cheese Quilting
Janet @
Simply Pieced
Ruth @
Charly & Ben's Crafty Corner
Kristyn @
Melon Patch Quilts
Jo @
Riddle and Whimsy
Linh @
Calling All Stitchers
Alida @ T
weety Loves Quilting
Rachel @
Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed your time here. And ya'll come back..you hear. :)